Contact Us

Please contact us with general questions via email.  For immediate assistance, please call the office.  Please note, ovulation calls for recipient mares are not accepted via email.

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Your message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 24 hours. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!

From I-25 in Northern Colorado: Take the Windsor exit #262 and go East. A few lights down is Fairgrounds Avenue, turn left to head North. This road is also called County Road 5. At the round-about take the first exit to head East. Vista Equine is the 2nd farm on the left-hand side. Look for the red barns and the sign just off the road.

**Please note if you're are in a full-sized Semi, please call the office for information on where to turn in. Do not turn into the main entrance!**

Mailing/Physical/Saturday Delivery:

5412 East County Road 32E
Fort Collins, Colorado